Community exposure to aircraft noise may increase risk of hypertension


LONDON (Reuters Health) – New research suggests that exposure to aircraft noise may be a risk factor for hypertension.

Dr. M. Rosenlund, of the Department of Environmental Health, Stockholm, Sweden, and colleagues investigated the association by comparing two groups of individuals ages 19 to 80 years: 266 people living near Stockholm Arlanda airport and 2693 residents of other parts of Stockholm county.

"The subjects were classified according to the time weighted equal energy and maximum aircraft noise levels at their residence," the team explains in the November issue of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Participants completed questionnaires on smoking, education, physical activity, type and duration of residence, hearing disability, and history of hypertension.

After adjustment for age, sex, smoking, and education, the odds ratio for hypertension was 1.6 for subjects regularly exposed to energy averaged aircraft noise levels above 55 dBA. For the other risk factor investigated, exposure to maximum aircraft noise levels above 72 dBA, the odds ratio was 1.8.

"The risk for hypertension from exposure to aircraft noise seemed greater among those not reporting hearing disabilities," Dr. Rosenlund's group comments, "indicating that hearing loss might protect against aircraft noise."

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