
DNA Image Cytometry Differentiates Malignant, Benign Follicular Adnexal Skin Tumours

By David Loshak

DNA image cytometry may help to distinguish between malignant and benign follicular adnexal tumours of the skin.

Having previously shown that DNA image cytometry can help to detect cancer in sebaceous tumours of the Muir-Torre syndrome and sweat gland tumours, specialists in Düsseldorf, Friedrichshafen and Hannover, Germany, used the same technique to study benign and malignant cutaneous adnexal tumours with follicular differentiation.

The specialists investigated 13 malignant and 55 benign follicular tumours. Of the malignant tumours, seven were trichilemmal carcinomas, five were proliferating pilar tumours and one was a pilomatrix carcinoma. The benign tumours comprised four of the follicular infundibulum, seven Winer's pores, eight trichilemmomas, two trichofolliculomas, 16 trichoepitheliomas, 13 pilomatrixomas and five trichoblastomas.

All cases were clearly either malignant or benign on histopathological criteria. Stemline interpretation based on an established method was performed in all cases.

In addition, the specialists calculated 5[c]-exceeding events and the 2[c] deviation index in all but one case. A 2[c] deviation index threshold of 0·24 proved to be the most reliable marker for the distinction between malignant and benign follicular tumours. On that basis, all malignant and benign tumours were correctly classified.

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