
Body image effects of cosmetic surgery limited to feature altered

מתוך medicontext.co.il
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Women who undergo cosmetic surgery report improvements in body image regarding the feature altered, but they do not report an improvement in overall body image, according to a recent report. Despite this, surgery is linked to improvements in other areas of psychological functioning.

Previous reports have suggested that cosmetic surgery has beneficial psychological effects, but there has been an absence of valid and reliable empirical data to verify this.

In a study reported in the January issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Dr. David B. Sarwer and colleagues, from the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, evaluated the results of two body image-related questionnaires completed by 45 women 2 weeks before their consultation and 6 months after they underwent cosmetic surgery.

Eighty-seven percent of women reported being "extremely satisfied" their postoperative outcome. Furthermore, most women reported receiving positive comments from others regarding their postoperative appearance.

In terms of body image, women reported a significant improvement in the degree of satisfaction with the specific body feature that was altered (p < 0.0001). In contrast, surgery was not associated with a significant improvement in overall body image.

Women felt no better about their health or physical fitness status after undergoing surgery, the authors note. However, surgery did seem to produce an improvement in depressive symptoms and in quality of life.

"There is now empirical evidence that indicates that cosmetic surgery leads to improvements in at least three areas of psychological functioning–depressive symptoms, quality of life, and body image," the researchers state. Further studies are needed to investigate the effects of surgery on other areas of psychological functioning, such as self-esteem and social anxiety, they add.

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