המפגש השנתי של ISHR יתקיים ב-26.2.04, אוניב’ ת”א, רמת-אביב

International Society for Heart Research
European Section
Israeli Subsection

Annual Meeting of the Israel Group for Heart Research
February 26th, 2004

Rosenblat Auditorium, Tel-Aviv University, Ramat-Aviv, Israel

Meeting organizer:Dr. Mickey Scheinowitz

Local Executive Board

M. Scheinowitz, Tel-Aviv

M. Horowitz, Jerusalem

U. Oron, Tel-Aviv

L. Gepstein, Haifa

C. Lotan, Jerusalem

ISHR-ES Council member

M. Flugelman, Haifa

The meeting will be held in the Rosenblat Auditorium (room 102), Computer Programming Building.Entrance, near Tel-Aviv University gate # 14 (Limudei Chutz).

On site registration (NIS):Members 180
Students free

Those who wish to pay annual membership fee for the International Society for Heart Research (ISHR) are requested to pay:

Members 240 NIS (in addition to the local 180 NIS – participation fees)
Students 120 NIS
Retired 40 NIS

Parking is available across the road from the building and at nearby parking lots (payment).

By train: disembark at Tel-Aviv University train station. Walk to the campus.

With car:
from Ayalon South: take exit “Tel-Aviv University” (also “Rokach Blvd”), turn left and immediately right toward TAU campus.

From Ayalon North: Take exit “Tel-Aviv University” (also “Rokach Blvd”), turn right and drive toward the campus.

08:00-09:00 Registration

09:00-09:15 Opening ceremony

Prof. Tuvia Miloh, Dean, Faculty of Engineering, TAU

09:15:09:45 Rena Yarom memorial ceremony 

Prof. Babette Rabinowitz

Prof. Michal Horowitz

Prof. Yonathan Hasin

Dr. Arie Pinson

Musical ensemble Part I

09:45-11:30 Rena Yarom Young Investigator Award Competition

Force augmentation by non-excitatory stimulation is related to calcium loading of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, in the rat heart.

Ilanit Itzhaki and Amir Landesberg

Department of Biomedical Engineering Technion-IIT, Haifa, Israel.

Fas-mediated hypertrophy, alternations in conduction properties and arrhythmias in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes are mediated by the 1,4,5-IP3 cascade

Yaron D. Barac, Gal Yaniv, Naama Zeevi-Levin, Irina Reiter, Zaid Abassi, Ofer Binah.

Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion, Haifa, Israel

Protective effects of A3 adenosine receptor activation against doxorubicin induced cardiotoxicity in rats

Korkus A¹, Hochhauser E², Shneyvays V¹, Y. Chepurko Y², Sagie A³, Mansur M³, Vidne B.A² and Shainberg A¹.

Faculty of Life Sciences Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan¹, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery Cardiac Research Laboratory, Felsenstein Center, Tel Aviv University² and Cardiology Department³, Rabin Medical Center, Petach Tiqwa, Israel

Cell therapy for modification of the myocardial electrophysiological properties

Lior yankelson, Yair Feld, Lior Gepstein

Cardiovascular research laboratory, the Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion and the Department of Cardiology, Rambam Medical Center, Haifa.

Effect of Roxithromycin on arterial vasoactivity

M. Berman¹, E. Hochhauser², E. Raanani¹, L. Kapustin², Y. Chepurko², D. Hasdai³, BA Vidne¹

Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery¹, Cardiac Research Laboratory, Felsenstein Center² and Cardiology Department³, Rabin Medical Center, Petach Tiqwa, Israel

Diminution of the cardio-toxicity of doxorubicin by histone deacetylase inhibition

Shira Vaks-Yona, Ada Repaheli, Hadassa Schlesinger, Sean Ziv, Abraham Nudelman, Gania Kessler-Icekson

Felsenstein Medical Research Center, Tel Aviv University and Faculty of Chemistry, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan

Musical ensemble part II

11:30-11:45 Coffee break

11:45-13:15 Myocardial protection

Chairpersons: C. Lotan and M. Horowitz

Iron signaling and protein oxidation in the preconditioning of the heartLeibovitz S.*, Aye N.N.*, Berenshtein E.*, Rhee S.G.# Moskovitz J. #, Kitrosskiy N.*, and Chevion M.*

*The Department of Cellular Biochemistry and Human Genetic, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel and the Laboratories of Biochemistry and Signaling, NHLBI, NIH, USA

Preconditioning improves post-ischemic mitochondrial function and diminishes oxidation of mitochondrial proteins

Herzl Schwalb, Igor Khaliulin, Ping Wang1, Ester Houminer, Harvey Katzeff1, Joseph B. Borman, And Saul R. Powell1

The Joseph Lunenfeld Cardiac Surgery Research Center, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, P.O.B. 12000 Jerusalem 91120, Israel; 1Dept. of Medicine, Long Island Jewish Medical Center, New Hyde Park, NY 11040, USA

The role of Ca2+ in cardiac dysfunction post herceptin therapy

Thea Pugatsch, PhD, Suzanne Abedat, MA, Ronen Beeri, MD and Chaim Lotan, MD

Heart Institute, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem

Effects of nitric oxide-donors on antioxidant systems in the ischemic heart

Zeltzer G.*, Berenshtein E.*, Rhee S.G.# Moskovitz J. #, Kitrosskiy N.* and Chevion M.*

*Department of Cellular Biochemistry and Human Genetic, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel and the Laboratories of Biochemistry and Signaling, NHLBI, NIH, USA

Apomorphine prevents myocardial ischemia/reperfusion-induced oxidative stress in the rat heart

Igor Khaliulin, Herzl Schwalb, Aviva Schneider, Esther Houminer, Joseph B Borman

The Joseph Lunenfeld Cardiac Surgery Research Center, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, P.O. Box 12000 Jerusalem, 91120 Israel

Antifibrotic therapy in rat model of extensive myocardial infarction or dilated cardiomyopathy: A word of caution

Natalie Landa, Micha S Feinberg, Radka Holbova, Karin Halevi, Parvin Zarin, Jonathan Leor.

Neufeld Cardiac Research Institute, Tel-Aviv University, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel.

13:15-14:00 Lunch break

14:00-14:30 Guided posters I (three parallel sessions)

Moderators: G. Kessler-Icekson and A. Pinson

Erythropoietin is a potent stimulator of circulating endothelial progenitor cells in patients with congestive heart failure

Emil Goldstein, Jacob George, Dov Vexler, Soulico Abashidze, Varda Deutsch*, Hylton Miller, Gad Keren

The Department of Cardiology, and the *Institute of Hematology, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center

A novel method for non-invasive assessment of endothelial and autonomic function

Amitzur G, Chaleva N, Peleg E, Feldman S*, Einav S, Leor J*, Feinberg MS*, Usmanov V*, Shechter M*.

Neufeld Cardiac Research Institute, *The Heart Institute, Sheba Medical Center and Tel Aviv University, Israel

Improved physical performance and cardiac function
in severe heart failure patients undergoing exercise training

Yehuda Adler², Michael Shechter¹, Ehud Schwammenthal², David Tanne³,
Eva Elmaleh¹, Michael Motro², Dov Freimark¹

Heart Failure Clinic¹, Cardiac Rehabilitation Institute², Stroke Unit, Department of Neurology³, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, and the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel.

Interaction of polyamine and MAPK pathways in the opposing effect of endothelin-1 and C-type natriuretic peptide on cardiomyocyte apoptosis

Aviva Peleg, Bo Han, Yonathan Hasin

Cardio-Vascular Institute, Poriya Medical Center.

The effects of antihypertensive, lipid lowerig and insulin sensitizing agents on cardiovascular risk factors associated with syndrome X

Mor Oron-Herman¹,²,³, Ben-ami Sela²,³, Talma Rosenthal¹,³

¹Chorley institute of hypertension, Sheba medical center, Tel Hashomer; ²The institute of chemical pathology, Sheba medical center, Tel Hashomer; ³Sackler faculty of medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv.

Guided posters II

Moderators: U. Oron and M. Flugelman

Energetic status of heart cells under endotoxemia

Rickover O., Shneyvays V., Shainberg A.

Faculty of Life Sciences Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan

TPEN prevents mitochondrial damage caused by hypoxia

Shmist Y.A¹., Shneyvays V¹., Appelbaum Y., Kamburg R²., and Shainberg A¹.

1Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Life Sciences, Ramat-Gan. ²Sheba Medical Centre, Tel-Hashomer, Ramat-Gan.

Cross-bridge kinetics is a function of sarcomere velocity. A novel theory of muscle contraction

Leonid Livshitz+, Henk E.D.J. ter Keurs and Amir Landesberg+

+Departments of Biomedical Engineering, Technion -Israel institute of Technology, Israel

*Departments Physiology and Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, Canada

PolyADP-ribosylation by activated ERK1/2: A novel nuclear signaling mechanism in cortical neurons and cardiomyocytes

Visochek L.1, Klein R.1, Gystriech , E.1, Yao Z.², Seger R.², and Cohen-Armon M.1

(1) Sackler School of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv (2) Biological Regulation, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot.

Apo E genotyping: accurate, simple, high throughput method using ABI Prism® SNaPshot multiplex system

R Durst¶, L Ben-Avi*, E Leitersdorf* V. Meiner¥

¶ Heart Institute, * Center for Research, Prevention, and Treatment of Atherosclerosis, Dept of Medicine, and ¥Department of Human Genetics, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School and Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem

Guided posters – III

Moderators: H. Schwalb and E. Hochhauser

Involvement of uracil nucleotides in a protection of cardiomyocytes against stress

S. Yitzhaki, V. Shneyvays, and A. Shainberg

Faculty of life sciences, Bar – Ilan university, Ramat – Gan, Israel

Mechanism and implication of the increase in fractional flow reserve following myocardial infarction: A computational model

Hilla Shaviv, Moshe Rosenfeld, Ehud Schwammenthal.

This research is done as part of the master thesis of Hilla Shaviv in the Biomedical Engineering Department at Tel Aviv University.

The effect of the sarcomere shortening velocity on the rate of energy consumption, based on coupling cross-bridge cycling with calcium kinetics: A theoretical analysis

Oren Tchaicheeyan & Amir Landesberg

TECHNION Israel Institute of Technology, Biomedical Engineering Department

The adaptive control of cardiac contraction by the loading conditions, with high constant efficiency, in the rat heart

Yael Yaniv, Carmit Levy and Amir Landesberg

Department of Biomedical Engineering, Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel

Directed differentiation of human embryonic stem cell to cardiomyocytes: Implications for myocardial repair

O. Caspi, I. Huver, V. Gepstein, G. Arbel, A. Gepstein, I. Kehat, L. Gepstein.

Cardiovascular Research Laboratory, the Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion.

14:30-15:00 Key note speaker: Dr. Lior Gepstein

“Myocardial regeneration strategies using embryonic stem cells”

15:00-17:00 Myocardial repair

Chairpersons: A. Shainberg and O. Binah

Angiopeptides: Novel Peptides that induce Angiogenesis

Britta Hardy, Annat Raiter, Chana Weiss, Ran Kornowski, and Alexander Battler

Felsenstein Medical Research Center and Cardiology Department, Tel-Aviv University School of Medicine, Rabin Medical Center, Petah-Tikva, Israel.

Favorable effects of human activated macrophage implantation on angiogenesis, remodeling and function of the infarcted myocardium

Liat Rozen, David Danon, Adi Zuloff-Shani, Micha S Feinberg, Itai Weiser, Parvin Zarin, Radka Holbova, Arie Orenstein, Jonathan Leor.

Neufeld Cardiac Research Institute, Tel-Aviv University, Sheba Medical Center, and Research and Development unit, Magen David Adom National Blood Services Tel-Hashomer.

The effect of endothelial progenitor cells transplantation in a rat model of dilated cardiomyopathy following experimental myocarditis.

Lael Werner, Jacob George, Soulico Abashidze, Iris Barshack, Genady Chausovsky, Jack Sherez, Varda Deutsch, Hylton Miller, Gad Keren

The Department of Cardiology Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center

Avoidance of cell mediated immune response does not prevent left ventricular remodeling and dysfunction after extensive myocardial infarction.

Natalie Landa, Micha S Feinberg, Radka Holbova, Liron Miller, Issi Barbash, Ariel Tessone, Parvin Zarin, Didi Castel, Udi Willenz, Patricia Benjamin, Jonathan Leor.

Neufeld Cardiac Research Institute, Tel-Aviv University, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel.

BAX ablation protects against myocardial infarction in intransgenic mice

E. Hochhauser¹, E. Birk², Y Cheporko¹, N. Yasovich¹, L. Pinchas², D. Offen¹, Y. Barhum¹, H. Pannet¹, A. Tobar¹, & B A. Vidne¹.

¹FMRC, Rabin Medical Center, Petah Tikva, ²Schneider Childrens Medical Center, Tel Aviv University, Israel

The development of a novel in-vitro model for assessing drug induced prolongation of the QT interval using Human embryonic stem cells derived cardiomyocytes

O. Caspi, I. Huver, V. Gepstein, G. Arbel, A. Gepstein, I. Kehat, L. Gepstein.

Cardiovascular Research Laboratory, the Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion.

SV40 pseudovirions are efficient and safe myocardial gene therapy vectors

Ronen Beeri, MD, Thea Pugatsch, PhD, Suzanne Abedat, M.Sc., Mahmoud Abdel Latif M.Sc., and Ariella Oppenheim, PhD

Heart Institute, and Dept. of Hematology, Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem

Generation of a biological pacemaker using human embryonic stem cell derived cardiomyocytes

Izhak Kehat¹, Leonid Khimovich¹, Amira Gepstein¹, Rona Shofti¹, Joseph Itskovitz-Eldor², & Lior Gepstein¹.

¹Cardiovascular Research Laboratory, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, The Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, P.O.B. 9649, 31096 Haifa, Israel; ²Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rambam Medical Center, P.O.B. 9602, 31096 Haifa, Israel

17:00-17:30 Business meeting

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