Laser, Steroid, And 5-FU Therapy Appear Comparable For Keloidal Scars

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Oct 02 –

 Pulse-dye laser (PDL), intralesional steroids, and intralesional 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) appear to be equally effective treatments for keloidal and hypertrophic scars, but adverse reactions are more common with steroids than with the other therapies, according to a recent report.

Dr. Richard E. Fitzpatrick and Dr. Woraphong Manuskiatti, from the Dermatology Associates and Cosmetic Laser Associates of San Diego County, Inc. in La Jolla, California, assessed the skin-related outcomes of 10 patients who had keloidal or hypertrophic median sternotomy scars that were treated with four different therapies.


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