Biatrial Pacing Effective in Controlling Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation

Dual pacemakers, placed in the right atrium and in the coronary sinus, can successfully block the occurrence of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF) in patients refractory to medical


 Dr. Intisar Mirza and colleagues at Maidstone General Hospital in Kent, UK, enrolled 19 patients with PAF refractory or intolerant of medical therapy to receive biatrial pacing, with units placed in the right atrium and in either the distal or proximal coronary sinus.

 In the study design, the pacemakers were set to sense-only for an initial 3-month period. After that, and in random order, the pacers were set to right atrium pacing alone, (proximal or distal) coronary sinus pacing alone and biatrial pacing using inter-atrial delays of 15 ms and 70 ms.

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