FDA Approves Blood Pressure Treatment Diovan(R) (valsartan) for Heart Failure

The US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approved a leading high blood pressure medicine Diovan® (valsartan) to treat heart failure in patients who are intolerant of angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, a common type of heart failure therapy. Diovan, an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB), is the top-prescribed ARB franchise in the U.S. and the first drug in its class to obtain an indication beyond hypertension. Diovan represents a therapeutic advance in the treatment of heart failure as the first major new type of drug to be approved for this life-threatening disease in five years.

Heart failure is the fastest growing cardiovascular disease in the world and is characterized by a progressive weakening of the heart muscle until it no longer pumps blood effectively. “Nearly five million Americans have heart failure and 1,500 new cases are discovered every day. However, many heart failure patients are not adequately treated due to side effects and other issues with available medications. So, mortality from heart failure remains unacceptably high and quality of life is low,” said Jay N. Cohn, MD, Professor of Medicine, Cardiovascular Division, University of Minnesota Medical School, and lead investigator of the Valsartan Heart Failure Trial (Val-HeFT) — one of the largest studies ever conducted in heart failure.

“The availability of Diovan is a critical new development for heart failure patients who desperately need alternative options that not only prolong life and slow the progression of disease, but also help them live successfully with this chronic condition.”

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