Standard Lifestyle Recommendations Have Little Effect on Cholesterol Levels

Compared with intensive exercise and aggressive diet changes, standard diet and exercise recommendations have no significant effect on plasma lipid levels in dyslipidemic patients, according to the results of a pilot study.

Dr. Lyne Lalonde from the University of Montreal, and colleagues randomized 47 patients with dyslipidemia to one of four treatment regimens. The regimens included standard lifestyle recommendations from the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) step 1 diet and regular exercise; the NCEP step 1 diet plus supervised aerobic exercise; or the NCEP step 2 diet, with or without supervised aerobic exercise program. In the NCEP step 1 diet, patients get 55% of their total energy intake from carbohydrates, and up to 30% from fat. In addition, saturated fat intake is reduced to less than 10% of total calories and dietary cholesterol to less than 300 mg/day.

In the NCEP step 2 diet, saturated far intake is further reduced to 7% of total caloric intake and cholesterol intake to less than 200 mg/day.

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