Aspirin and coumadin after acute coronary syndromes (the ASPECT-2 study): a randomised controlled trial

High-intensity oral anticoagulation, or moderate intensity oral anticoagulation combined with aspirin, appears more effective than aspirin alone in reducing serious cardiovascular events and death after an acute coronary event.

The benefits of oral anticoagulation were allied with few adverse effects, reports a multi-center collaborative study by Dutch clinicians. While overall rates of major bleeding were low in all three groups, the combination treatment was associated with a two-fold increase. The clinicians point out that short-term use of aspirin and long-term use of oral anticoagulants are effective in patients following a myocardial infarction.

Compared with placebo, antiplatelet treatment – especially aspirin – reduces vascular events by 25 percent, and long-term treatment with coumadin reduces vascular events by 35 percent, previous studies have shown.

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