Graft Plus Revascularization Safe For Intractable Angina

Coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) plus transmyocardial revascularization (TMR) appears to be a safe procedure for patients with intractable angina pectoris.

 Clinicians at the Section of Cardiac Surgery, Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC, say little has been known about long-term outcome after CABG plus TMR. In their study, 169 patients underwent CABG plus TMR at a mean age of 63.

 They had refractory angina pectoris and a myocardial ischemic area not amenable to CABG, and 70 percent were men. Among this cohort, 51 percent had previously had CABG, and 82 percent were deemed inoperable at other heart surgery centers due to small vessels or diffuse disease.

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