Simvastatin Lowers CV Risk, Mortality in Heart Protection Study

July 5, 2002 — Simvastatin, but not antioxidants, lowered cardiovascular (CV) risk and mortality in the Heart Protection Study (HPS), according to two reports in the July 6 issue of The Lancet.

The benefit of simvastatin was proportional to the CV risk, not to the baseline cholesterol concentration. “HPS shows unequivocally that statins can produce substantial benefit in a very much wider range of high-risk people than had been previously thought,” investigator Rory Collins, from the University of Oxford in England, says in a news release.

“These new findings are relevant to the treatment of some hundreds of millions of people worldwide.” The HPS randomized 20,536 adults in the United Kingdom to receive daily placebo, simvastatin 40 mg, or antioxidant supplementation with 600 mg vitamin E, 250 mg vitamin C, and 20 mg beta-carotene for five years. Subjects were 40 to 80 years of age and had coronary artery disease, other occlusive arterial disease, or diabetes.

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