Low-Dose Aspirin Does Not Interfere With Antihypertensive Agents

Low-dose aspirin does not interfere with the blood pressure-lowering effects of antihypertensive agents or with renal function.

This is true for long-term, low-dose aspirin and combinations of antihypertensive agents with angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, investigators report.

 However, they caution that these results cannot be extended to higher doses of aspirin or to patients with congestive heart failure.

 The investigators, from multiple institutions including the Università di Milano in Milan, Italy, the University of Uppsala in Uppsala, Sweden, and AstraZeneca in Mölndal, Sweden, analyzed data from the Hypertension Optimal Treatment Study.

 In this study, 18,790 intensively treated hypertension patients received either 75 milligrams aspirin daily or placebo for 3.8 years. Antihypertensive therapies were quantitatively and qualitatively similar between the two groups. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure values were similar between the aspirin-treated and placebo-treated patients. Also, serum creatinine, estimated creatinine clearance and number of patients developing renal dysfunction were similar between the two groups.

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