Early Revascularization Improves Survival in Acute MI

In a prospective cohort trial reported in the May 25 issue of The Lancet, early revascularization significantly reduced 1-year mortality for survivors of acute myocardial

infarction (MI).

 Based on these findings, the investigators think it’s time to change routine management.

 “This is a Swedish registry study, but even when statistical compensation has been taken into account, there still remains a 50% reduction in the risk of dying within 1 year after a heart attack if early revascularization is performed,” lead author Ulf Stenestrand, from the University Hospital of Linkoping, Sweden, says in a news release.

“The results of this study should help change the management of patients that have a heart attack toward earlier revascularization.” Because earlier studies investigating the effect of revascularization on survival for people who have had acute coronary events have produced conflicting results, revascularization is often not considered a priority in the days after severe MI.

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