Peptide Predicts Sudden Death in Heart Failure Patients

Levels of B-type natriuretic peptide appear to be a strong predictor of sudden death in patients with chronic heart failure.

The peptide is known to have prognostic significance in chronic heart failure, and the stimuli for its production is believed to cause electrophysiological abnormalities. Dr. Rudolf Berger, of the University of Vienna, Austria, studied levels of B-type natriuretic peptide in 452 patients with a left ventricular ejection fraction of equal to or under 35 percent. For prediction of sudden death, only survivors without heart transplantation or a mechanical assist device and patients who died suddenly were analyzed.

Of these, 293 patients survived without heart transplantation or a mechanical assist device, 89 patients died, and 65 underwent heart transplantation over a three-year period. Of those who died, death was sudden in 49 percent of patients, whereas 35 percent of patients had pump failure and 16 percent died from other causes.

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