Cardiac Artery Bypass Patients with Anaemia at Higher Mortality Risk

Lancet 05/16/2002 By Harvey McConnell

The presence of anemia appears to increase mortality risk in patients undergoing cardiac

artery bypass surgery in the days after surgery.

“Crude mortality rate was five times higher among those with a haemoglobin rate of 100g/L or less than among those with a higher haemoglobin concentration,” according to investigators led by Dr. Dlear Zindrou of the Imperial College School of Science at Hammersmith Hospital in London, England.

 “Adjusted mortality odds ratio for the low compared with the high haemoglobin groups was 3.17.” They conducted an observational study of 2,059 consecutive patients undergoing isolated coronary artery bypass grafting at Hammersmith Hospital between 1993 and 1997. 

They collected data on patient past history, comorbid disorders, demographics and angiographic results on admission. Patients with haemoglobin concentrations less than 100g/L had the pump primed with blood. Those below 90g/L had preoperative transfusions.

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