More Selective Vasodilators Might Improve Treatment Of Acute Coronary Syndromes

05/22/2002 By David Loshak

 The enhanced potential to release endothelin-1 in patients with unstable angina might

account, at least in part, for greater vasoreactivity of the unstable plaque.

 Moreover, because production of endothelin-1, the most potent endogenous asoconstrictor,  stimulated by inflammatory mechanisms, this extra potential further supports the part played by inflammatory mechanisms in destabilising the atherosclerotic plaque.

Cardiologists and other specialists in L’Aquila, Italy, and Rome, Italy, say their findings suggest that more selective vasodilators, such as endothelin antagonists, might be much more

effective than currently available vasodilators for treating acute coronary syndromes.

 The specialists pointed out that increased tissue endothelin-1 immunoreactivity had been shown at the site of the culprit lesion in patients with unstable angina. It was this which suggested that endothelin-1 might be involved in the abnormal vasoreactivity of the culprit lesion in unstable angina. A study was conducted to investigate if an enhanced local release of endothelin-1 was involved in the pathogenesis of the enhanced vasoreactivity of the unstable plaque in

unstable angina.

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