Irbesartan More Effective than Atenolol in Reducing Cardiac Electrical Instability

Special to DG News NEW YORK, NY — May 20, 2002 —

Cardiac electrical instability — specifically QT and QTc dispersions — appears to be reduced when patients are taking the angiotensin II receptor blocker irbesartan compared with those high-risk hypertensive patients treated with the beta blocker atenolol.

 “With the same reduction in blood pressure, we have also seen that irbesartan provides this extra cardiac benefit in these patients who have high blood pressure and left ventricular hypertrophy,” said Thomas Kahan, MD, associate professor of internal medicine at the Karolinska Institutet’s Danderyd Hospital in Sweden.

 “Left ventricular hypertrophy, is associated with a substantial risk for malignant arrhythmias and sudden death,” Dr. Kahan explained in his poster presentation here Friday at the 17th annual meeting of the American Society of Hypertension.

 “And increased QT dispersion, which reflects cardiac repolarization heterogeneity, is predictive of such events.” Dr. Kahan and associates studied whether treatment with blood pressure lowering medications could induce both structural and electrical remodeling of the myocardium. He recruited 44 patients who were randomized to 150 mg to 300 mg of irbesartan and 48 patients who received 50 mg to 100 mg of atenolol for control of blood pressure.

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