Absence Of Septal Q Wave Indicates Poor Prognosis In Congestive Heart Failure

Absence of a normal septal q wave independently predicts poor prognosis in elderly congestive heart failure patients.

 The absence of a septal q wave on 12-lead electrocardiography has been a known marker of left ventricular disease, explain investigators. The investigators, from the National Heart and Lung Institute of the Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine in London, England, evaluated the prognostic significance of absent septal q wave in 110 elderly patients with congestive heart failure.

 Patients had a left ventricular ejection fraction less than 45 percent and were of functional class II to IV according to the New York Heart Association. Presence or absence of septal q waves were determined in leads I, aVL, V(5) and V(6) of standard 12-lead electrocardiograms.

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