Virtual Endoscopy Effective for Evaluation of Common Biliary Tract

In a series of 68 patients who underwent virtual endoscopy (VE) for evaluation of the common biliary tract, VE was more effective than maximum intensity projection (MIP) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for identifying small stones, according to a study by a team of French researchers.

 “VE is effective for stones of 3 mm or more, but MIP did not identify stones of this size,” said Catherine Roy, MD, professor of radiology at Hopitaux University in Strasbourg, France.

 Dr. Roy presented the study here at the 88th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America. Dr. Roy reported on 68 patients ranging in age from 28 to 82 years (mean age, 38.5 years).

 Forty patients presented with calculi, 13 with cholangiocarcinoma, 10 with pancreatic adenocarcinoma, and five with benign fibrotic strictures. All patients underwent cholangio-MRI as part of a conventional MRI sequence protocol.

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