Glucose Tolerance Impaired In Women With Recurrent Vaginal Infections

Non-diabetic women with recurrent vaginal candidiasis have a discretely impaired glucose metabolism, researchers in Belgium have found.

 Glucose tolerance testing in these women is of value, however, interpretation of the results should not be limited to diagnosis of preclinical diabetes mellitus, urges this study from the General Hospital Heilig Hart, Tienen, and the University Hospital Gasthuisberg and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.

 Dr G G Donders and colleagues conducted this case-control study among 62 otherwise healthy women attending a vaginitis clinic three or more times a year, and 32 Candida-negative controls, all of whom were undergoing standardised oral glucose tolerance testing. Study subjects had symptoms of Candida vaginitis, positive microscopy and at least one positive Candida culture.

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