Abciximab beneficial when given before primary angioplasty for MI

Researchers from the University Medical Centre in Ljubljana, Slovenia have found that in patients with elevated ST-segment myocardial infarction (MI), administering abciximab before primary angioplasty partially restores epicardial patency and helps resolve ST-segment elevation more rapidly.

A total of 163 patients with ST-segment elevation MI were randomly allocated to abciximab (administered as an immediate bolus of 0.25mg/kg followed by a 12 hour infusion of 0.125mcg/kg per minute) either before or after angioplasty or to no abciximab.

 The results found: – After angioplasty, 70% of patients who were administered abciximab prior to the procedure experienced complete ST-segment resolution, compared to 36% of the patients who received abciximab after angioplasty and 37% of patients who did not receive abciximab at all. – A greater number of in-hospital complications were seen in the groups of patients who received abciximab after angioplasty or did not receive it. – These 2 groups of patients also had a higher mortality rate that was still apparent after 6 months compared to those pretreated with abciximab.


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