Magnifying Colonoscopy Useful For Evaluating Ulcerative Colitis

Magnifying colonoscopic findings provides useful information for the evaluation of disease activity and the prediction of relapse in patients with ulcerative colitis.

 Conventional colonoscopy is important in the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis but inadequate for the prediction of relapse, according to investigators from the Third Department of Internal Medicine at Asahikawa Medical College in Asahikawa, Japan.

 The investigators evaluated magnifying colonoscopy in 61 patients with ulcerative colitis. One hundred sixteen magnifying colonoscopies were performed in these patients from 1994 to 1998. Findings were classified into five categories: (1) regularly arranged crypt openings, (2) villous-like, (3) minute defects of epithelium, (4) small yellowish spots and (5) coral reef-like appearance.

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