Over-the-Counter Emergency Contraception: A Newsmaker Interview With David A. Grimes, MD

Laurie Barclay, MD Oct. 1, 2002 —

 Editor’s Note: Should emergency contraception (EC) be made available over the counter (OTC)? More than 70 organizations, including the American Public Health Association, filed a Citizen’s Petition with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Feb. 14, 2001, requesting that it be made available without a prescription, as it is in other countries including parts of Canada, the U.K., Morocco, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Israel, France, Belgium, Denmark, Portugal, South Africa, and Albania.

 Proponents of prescription-only access cite concerns about reliance on EC rather than on planned contraception or abstinence, which, given the high failure rate of EC, could have the unintended effect of increasing unwanted pregnancies or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Ethical and moral objections include the claim that EC is a euphemism for early abortion and that OTC access might make it more difficult for some women to “just say no” to unprotected intercourse

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