Immune Modulation Therapy Promising for Patients with Chronic Heart Failure

Immune modulation therapy (IMT) appears to reduce death and hospitalization among patients with chronic heart failure.

Dr. Guillermo Torre-Amione presented the results of the double-blind, placebo-controlled randomised Phase II trial at the 6th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Heart Failure Society of America.

He is the Medical Director of the Heart Transplant Service at Baylor College of Medicine and the DeBakey Heart Center of the Methodist Hospital in Houston, Texas, United States. In the study, 75 patients were randomised to either the IMT treatment or placebo. The results over 6 months showed that IMT significantly reduced the risk of death.

Only one patient in the active-treatment group died, compared to seven in the placebo group (p=0.022). Hospitalization was also significantly reduced with 12 hospitalisations in the IMT arm versus 21 hospitalisations in the placebo group (p=0.008). Survival analysis showed IMT to be superior in the clinical composite endpoints of all-cause mortality or any hospitalization — 12 versus 22 events in the IMT and placebo groups, respectively (p=0.005).

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