Histopathological Changes of Cervix, Vagina in Women With Scleroderma May Not Be Related to the Autoimmune Disease

Histopathological changes of the cervix and vagina in women with scleroderma may be related to other factors, not to the autoimmune disease as previously thought.

 Dr. Barbara J. Doss, at the University of Chicago, and colleagues in the United States, compared medical records and pathology specimens of women with scleroderma and age-matched controls, to see if those with scleroderma were more likely to have histopathological changes, which some suggest may lead to obstetrical or postoperative complications.

 The researchers reviewed records from the Scleroderma Registry at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, and found five patients who had cervical or vaginal tissue specimens available for evaluation. Small arterioles and surrounding connective tissue in these specimens and those from 26 age-matched controls were evaluated in blinded fashion.

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