Is Endoscopic or Medical Treatment Best for Adherent Peptic Ulcer Clots?

Laurie Barclay, MD July 31, 2002 —

Adherent peptic ulcer clots are best treated endoscopically rather than medically, according to the results of a controlled trial reported in the August issue of Gastroenterology. Although this study showed no rebleeding in those treated endoscopically compared with 35% rebleeding in the medically treated group, the editorialist recommends individualized management based on the hospital setting.

“Treatment of high-risk patients with nonbleeding adherent clots on ulcers is controversial,” write Dennis M. Jensen, MD, from CURE Digestive Disease Research Center of the Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System in California, and colleagues. “Combination endoscopic therapy of nonbleeding adherent clots significantly reduced early ulcer rebleeding rates in high-risk patients compared with medical therapy alone.”

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