Pre- and Postmenopausal Prolapsed Vaginal Tissue Biomechanically Similar

Biomechanical properties of prolapsed vaginal tissue in pre- and postmenopausal women are very similar, apart from one possibly age-related phenomenon.

This one exception to the otherwise similar picture in the two groups is a significantly higher elastic modulus in the vaginal tissue of women who have gone through menopause, suggests a study from Australia. As for elongation or long-term tissue deformation in the vaginal tissue, there are very few differences in biomechanical assessments, reports Dr J. T. W. Goh from the Gold Coast Hospital, Southport, Queensland. Tissue was collected at the time of surgery from 18 women with symptomatic prolapse.

Ten of the women were postmenopausal and eight premenopausal. Mean age of the postmenopausal women was 69 years as compared with 41 years for the premenopausal women.

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