Islet Transplantation Offers Reasonable Option for Diabetics with Severe Glycemic Lability or Hypoglycemia

Islet transplantation may be a safe and effective therapy for patients with insulin-dependent diabetes, especially those who have labile diabetes or problems with hypoglycemic awareness.

 These findings are reported by Edmond A. Ryan and colleagues at the University of Alberta and Capital Health Authority, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, who performed 54 islet transplantation procedures in 30 patients.

 All patients were assessed prior to transplantation and were followed afterwards for immediate and long-term complications related to the procedure or to the required immunosuppressive therapy. Of the 17 consecutive Edmonton protocol-treated patients for whom detailed follow-up was available, all had attained insulin independence after transplantation of at least of 9000 islets per kg of body weight. Among 15 consecutive patients with at least one-year follow-up, 12 (80 percent) had remained insulin independent after one year. “In 14 subjects who have maintained demonstrable C-peptide secretion, glucose control has been stable and glycemic lability and problems with hypoglycemic reactions have been corrected,” the authors reported.

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