Hormones Aid Women With Cyclic Irritable Bladder, Pelvic Pain

Doctors should consider both diagnostic laparoscopy and bladder hydrodistension for women with premenstrually exacerbated pelvic pain and irritative bladder symptoms. Endometriosis is often present in patients with these complex symptoms, suggests this first report of hormonal treatment for chronic, cyclic irritative bladder symptoms.

Even when endometriosis is not identified by laparoscopy, improvement appears to occur with hormonal manipulation, this three-centre study in the United States and New Zealand has found.

Gretchen M. Lentz. MD, and colleagues from University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, Allegheny University/East Falls Campus, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, , and Middlemore Hospital, Auckland, sought to evaluate women with menstrual-cycle related changes in their interstitial cystitis symptoms and to follow the women up over the long term.

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