L-Arginine Application Speeds Healing of Anal Fissure

Topical application of a gel containing L-arginine 400 mg/mL promotes healing of chronic anal fissures, according to results of a small phase II study, presented Friday at the annual meeting of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS).

 The study was carried out and reported by M. Darby, MD, of University Hospital Dijkzigt in Rotterdam, Netherlands, and colleagues there and at Norgine Gmbh in Marburg, Germany.

 L-arginine is the natural precursor of nitric oxide (NO), the effects of which include relaxation of the anal sphincter. Topical application of artificial NO precursors, such as isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN), has been shown to promote fissure healing but is accompanied by frequent and sometimes severe headaches.

The researchers hypothesized that because it is naturally present in the body, L-arginine might be free of headache risk.

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