Acute Coronary Syndrome Gene Locations Possibly Identified

MELBOURNE, Australia (Reuters Health) May 30 –

 The locations of genes that cause acute coronary syndrome may have been identified, investigators in Melbourne, Australia report.

 Researchers from eight Melbourne hospitals and the University of Melbourne have located areas on three chromosomes that are linked to acute coronary syndrome.

Studying 61 pairs of siblings, both of whom had experienced acute coronary syndrome before the age of 70, the team conducted a genome-wide linkage analysis and found a region on chromosome two (2q36-q37.3, with a lod score of 2.63) strongly linked to acute coronary syndrome.

Two other regions, on chromosome three (3q26-q27) and chromosome twenty (20q11-q13), both with a lod score >1.5, also seem to be linked to coronary disease. 

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