Environmental Noise Impacts Mental Health Of Children

Noise produced from nearby roads and railroads can effect the mental health of children, in particular those who were born prematurely or with a low birthweight.

 Joint research by Dr Peter Lercher, Institute of Hygiene and Social Medicine, Innsbruck, Austria, and Dr Gary Evans, Department of Design and Environmental Analysis and of Human Development, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York has found small decrements in children’s mental health and poorer classroom behavior.

Researchers investigated the impact of environmental noise on two groups of children between the ages of eight and 11 in two parallel studies: one study among a general population of 1,280 children exposed to a wide range of noise levels, and the second among 125 children exposed to high or low levels of environmental noise.

 All of the children lived among 31 locations in the Tyrol, central Austria, and generally in small mountain towns and villages, with a mix of industry, small businesses, and farmland. A busy transit route, connecting the north and south of Austria, runs through the area.

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