DDW: Physicians Often Skimp on Family Histories for Colorectal Cancers

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — May 23, 2002 — Family histories are often incomplete despite their importance in helping determine who to screen for colorectal cancers.

In findings reported at Digestive Disease Week (DDW), Dr. Shipla Grover, of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, United States, said physicians failed to record more than a third of cancers reported by patients for their family.

 In this study, 206 patients presenting at their first oncology clinic visit self reported family members who had cancers. This was compared to the notes taken by their physicians.

 The newly-diagnosed patients filled out a family history of the cancers that had occurred in their first and second degree relatives.

 The investigators then obtained the notes of the patients’ physicians on this first consultation,

to evaluate how accurately the family histories were recorded.

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