Sonography Techniques and Angiography Compared In Stroke

American Journal of Neuroradiology, (AJNR) 05/09/2002 , By Anne MacLennan

A comparison of contrast-enhanced and conventional transcranial colour-coded real-time sonography has found the former approach is more sensitive in imaging basilar artery flow. When examined with contrast-enhanced transcranial colour-coded real-time sonography (TCCS), a combination of absent basilar artery flow and the reversed basilar artery flow sign may be a diagnostic indicator of basilar artery occlusion, suggest these authors. Masatoshi Koga and colleagues the National Cardiovascular Center, Osaka, Japan sought to assess the diagnostic ability of these two forms of sonography in patients with acute stroke and basilar artery occlusion and to compare the findings with those of angiography.

Study participants were 62 consecutive acute ischemic stroke patients in whom these doctors prospectively performed conventional and contrast-enhanced TCCS within three days before or after digital subtraction angiography or MR angiography.

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