WHO Backs Lawsuits Against Tobacco Companies

GENEVA (Reuters) Mar 18 – The World Health Organisation (WHO) said on Monday it would offer expertise and advice to countries planning to take tobacco companies to court over tobacco-related deaths and diseases.
As a new round of talks began on a global treaty to contain the growth in tobacco use, the WHO said support and technical assistance were needed by member states more used to fighting smoking-related diseases in the clinics than in the courts.

Citing successful cases in the United States and India, it said it would gather expertise, encourage collaboration and help with tasks such as document analysis.

"Litigation is not for everyone. It has to be handled with great care and discipline but its power is so great that it simply must be implemented into the global approach to tobacco control," said Douglas Blanke, author of a WHO report on making greater use of the courts.

The report, "Towards Health with Justice", said proper litigation could change the behaviour of the tobacco companies and offer victims of smoking-related diseases the chance of financial compensation.

But the United Nations' health body added that while court cases and public inquiries into tobacco firms were valuable public health tools, they are no panacea for stopping the rise of tobacco-related diseases.

WHO charges that global efforts to minimise the damage such as price hikes, advertising bans, public education and give-up smoking initiatives, are being hampered by tobacco firms.

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