Obesity risk lower among women who played sports in childhood

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Women who participated in organized sports as children and adolescents are more likely to be physically active as adults and therefore, less likely to be obese, study findings indicate.

Dr. Catherine M. Alfano of the University of Memphis, Tennessee, and colleagues interviewed 209 African-American women and 277 white women about their participation in sports as youngsters and as adults, and measured the women's body mass index (BMI).

"Results of this study supported the hypothesis that women with higher levels of past sports participation would have lower current BMIs and greater levels of physical activity," the authors write.

However, these same women did not have healthier diets than their peers who had less active childhoods, Dr. Alfano's group reports in the current issue of the journal Preventive Medicine.

"If future studies confirm these relationships, the promotion of girls' involvement in athletics may be an avenue to prevent obesity, which is essential given the difficulty of obesity treatment," Dr. Alfano and colleagues conclude.

Since not all girls are interested, or have the skills necessary to participate in traditional competitive sports, programs that target these girls in particular would be beneficial, they add.

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