US Ophthalmology Group Endorses LASIK, With Conditions

WASHINGTON (Reuters Health) Jan 15 – Years after laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) hit the billion-dollar mark as an industry, the group representing US ophthalmologists has given a qualified endorsement to the popular procedure.

On Tuesday, the American Academy of Ophthalmology said it had found LASIK to be safe and effective for correcting low-to-moderate myopia and astigmatism. The group, which represents 27,000 ophthalmologists, said the procedure is less predictable for moderate-to-high myopia and astigmatism.

"LASIK is an excellent procedure for many, but not all, patients," Dr. Christopher Rapuano, chair of the AAO review committee, said in a statement.

"Surgical complications, though rare, do occur, but advances in excimer laser technology and newer microkeratomes may help further decrease the small percentage of surgical problems we have seen in the past," he added.

Analysts said there are about 1000 laser centers in the US, and said LASIK operations were carried out on 1.6 million eyes between 2000 and 2001. Revenues have topped the $2 billion mark.

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