Sixth patient to receive artificial heart dies during surgery


WESTPORT, CT (Reuters Health) – The sixth patient to undergo implantation of the AbioCor self-contained mechanical heart died on Tuesday during the procedure, according to a statement from Danvers, Massachusetts-based Abiomed Inc., the makers of the device.

The patient, who the company describe only as male, "died from uncontrolled bleeding due to coagulopathy," according to lead surgeon Dr. O. H. Frazier, chief of Cardiopulmonary Transplantation at St. Luke Episcopalian Hospital, in Houston, where the operation was performed.

Dr. Frazier said the clotting problem was "related to the patient's longstanding heart failure and previous cardiac surgery which required anticoagulant treatment."

The first-of-a-kind artificial hearts have already been successfully implanted in five other patients, all of whom have so far survived. The first recipient, 59-year-old Robert Tools, suffered a stroke last week after being implanted with the AbioCor device more than 3 months ago. The devices have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for use in clinical trials in heart patients with a less than 30-day life expectancy.

Yesterday's death occurred after Dr. Frazier's surgical team struggled for 20 hours to control the patient's excessive bleeding. The Houston doctor noted that the man had "no other hope" but to undergo the surgery.

"He was determined to take this chance," Dr. Frazier said. "He showed tremendous courage by choosing to participate in this procedure, and those of us who have come to know this person are truly saddened by this loss."

According to Abiomed, further details as to the patient's identity are being withheld out of respect for his family's privacy.

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