Alosetron helpful in subset of women with irritable bowel syndrome

המידע באדיבות מדיקונטקסט
Last Updated: 2001-07-24 9:33:20 EDT (Reuters Health)

WESTPORT, CT (Reuters Health) – Alosetron hydrochloride is effective in treating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in certain female patients, researchers report in the July 23rd issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Dr. Allen M. Mangel, of Glaxo Wellcome Inc., Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, and colleagues randomized 626 women with IBS in a double-blind fashion to 1 mg of alosetron or placebo twice daily for 12 weeks. The patients were then observed for a further 4 weeks.

Altogether, 71% of patients were classified as having diarrhea-predominant IBS and 43% of alosetron-treated patients in this group reported at least 2 weeks per month with "adequate" pain relief for all 3 months. This was true of only 26% of such patients given placebo.

The researchers report that there were no significant differences in response to alosetron between diarrhea-predominant patients and those who alternated between diarrhea and constipation; "however, the magnitude of efficacy was numerically greater in diarrhea-predominant patients."

In the diarrhea-predominant group, alosetron treatment "significantly decreased urgency and stool frequency and caused firmer stools within 1 week of starting treatment." However, no significant improvement was seen in the first 4 weeks in percentage of days with a sense of incomplete evacuation or bloating. Constipation was the most common side effect.

The researchers conclude that alosetron "is effective in relieving pain and some bowel-related symptoms in diarrhea-predominant female patients with IBS."

Arch Intern Med 2001;161:1733-1740.

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