המכון הלאומי לפסיכוביולוגיה בישראל מזמין את ציבור הפסיכיאטרים והנוירולוגים להרצאה השנתית: פרופ’ הרולד זקהיים בנושא Focal brain stimulation in neurology and psychiatry ב-19/3

המכון הלאומי לפסיכוביולוגיה בישראל –  The National Institute for Psychobiology

ההרצאה השנתית לזכר מייסד המכון, מר צ’רלס סמית

The annual lecture in memory of

Mr. Charles E. Smith, founder of the Institute

תשס”ו – ‏2006

תנתן על ידי:will be given by:                                                         

פרופ’ הרולד זקהיים
Prof. Harold A. Sackeim

Professor of Clinical Psychology in Psychiatry and Radiology

New York State Psychiatric Institute and Columbia University

Focal brain stimulation in neurology and psychiatry; a new class of therapeutics

יום א’, י”ט אדר, תשס”ו 19 March 2006

– 18:1515:30

במוזיאון ארצות המקרא, גבעת רם , ירושלים

Bible Lands Museum, Givat Ram, Jerusalem

סדורי הרשמה:  מספר המקומות מוגבל, עדיפות לנרשמים מראש בפניה למשרדנו:

                        דואר אלקטרוני: mailto:psychobi@cc.huji.ac.il

פקס. 5635267 02-  טל. 6584086-02


Harold A. Sackeim, PhD

New York State Psychiatric Institute and Columbia University, New York.

Prof. Harold A. Sackeim is Director of Brain Stimulation Research and Services in the Department of Biological Psychiatry at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, where he served as Chief for 25 years. He is also Professor of Clinical Psychology in Psychiatry and Radiology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University and Professor of Psychiatry at Cornell University. He received his undergraduate degrees at Columbia College and Magdalen College, Oxford University and his Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania, where he also completed clinical training in Psychiatry. Prof. Sackeims research has concentrated on the neurobiology and treatment of mood disorders. He has made numerous contributions to the understanding of pathophysiology of major depression and mania through use of brain imaging techniques. For the past 26 years, he has led the clinical research on electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) at Columbia University and the New York State Psychiatric Institute and is widely credited with transforming the use of ECT worldwide. Prof. Sackeim also directs programs in the pharmacological treatment of late-life depression and in the use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) and Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). He is the originator of Magnetic Seizure Therapy (MST), now undergoing clinical trials in the US and Europe, and has recently developed FEAST (Focal Electrically-Administered Seizure Therapy) and FEAT (Focal Electrically-Administered Therapy), new forms of brain stimulation modalities in neurological and psychiatric conditions. Prof. Sackeim has received many national and international awards for his research contributions. He is past President of the Society of Biological Psychiatry and the Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease. He has authored more than 350 publications.

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