Appropriate Intraocular Lens Reduce Risk Of Post-Keratometry Hyperopia

Targeting myopia as post-cataract surgery refractive error and using a flatter calculated keratometry values when selecting an intraocular lens (IOL) can improve power determination’s accuracy. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and other centres in the United States retrospectively assessed final post-cataract refraction and target refraction used when selecting the IOL in 24 eyes that underwent cataract surgery after post-radial keratotomy.

The authors further studied nine eyes for keratometry values obtained using different methods and for the theoretical postoperative refraction with an IOL that aimed to produce plano (0 power) or -1.50 dioptres (D). The authors estimated that implanting an IOL that aimed for plano following radial keratotomy would have resulted in a hyperopic refraction in 83.4% of cases. This declined to 42.0% if the surgeons chose an IOL targeted at myopia reduced.

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