Orbscan CTS Provides Sensitive and Specific Means to Diagnose Keratoconus

The Orbscan Corneal Topography System (CTS) seems to offer a sensitive and specific means to diagnose keratoconus. Researchers from Baylor College of Medicine, in Houston, Texas, United States, assessed whether the Orbscan CTS could distinguish corneal thinning induced by contact lenses from keratoconus.

They enrolled 54 patients with confirmed or suspected keratoconus, 75 contact lens wearers and 67 normal controls. The case-control study was performed in two stages using different patients — a model-building phase and a validation study.

Corneal thickness index and discriminant function 1 were evaluated for their efficacy in classifying these conditions. Corneal thickness index compares central and peripheral corneal thicknesses, while discriminant function 1 evaluates corneal thickness and central keratometr


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