Alternative Smallpox Strategies: A Newsmaker Interview With Thomas Mack, MD, MPH

Editor’s Note: In the wake of U.S. President Bush’s newly released vaccination plan, the New England Journal of Medicine offered an accelerated online release of articles “to inform the current national debate about smallpox vaccination.” Included in these articles, which will be published in the Jan. 30, 2003, issue, is a Sounding Board by Thomas Mack, MD, MPH, a professor of preventive medicine at the Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California at Los Angeles.

 President Bush’s plan calls for vaccination of 500,000 healthcare providers initially followed by up to 10 million others, but Dr. Mack suggests alternatives to this plan and their likely ramifications. Although Dr. Mack is now a cancer epidemiologist, he was involved in observing and investigating the dynamics of smallpox transmission in Pakistan 30 years ago. Medscape’s Laurie Barclay interviewed Dr. Mack to learn more about his recommendations for smallpox vaccination and containment strategies.

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