SABCS: Zoledronic Acid Significantly Better Than Pamidronate in Patients With Breast Cancer And Bone Metastasis

Zoledronic acid is more effective than pamidronate in reducing the relative risk of developing a skeletal-related event in breast cancer patients with bone metastases.

 Results of a large multicenter international study comparing the new bisphosphonate, zoledronic acid, to the previous standard of care, pamidronate, in breast cancer patients with bone metastases were presented December 12th at the 25th annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium in San Antonio, Texas, by Robert E. Coleman, M.D., professor of medical oncology at Yorkshire Cancer Research, Weston Park Hospital, Sheffield, England.

 Bone metastasis occurs in the majority (65 to 75 percent) of patients with advanced breast cancer, and patients are at high risk for skeletal complications, Dr. Coleman said. Intravenous bisphosphonates inhibit tumor-induced bone resorption and prevent skeletal complications associated with malignant bone disease. Pamidronate (90 mg) has been the international standard for the treatment of bone metastases in patients with breast cancer since 1996.

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