Herd Effect Shown for Hepatitis A, Pneumococcal Vaccines

At the Infectious Disease Society of America (ISDA) annual meeting held in Chicago, Illinois, from Oct. 24 to 27, investigators from Israel reported on their experience with instituting hepatitis A virus (HAV) vaccination in toddlers. They found a more than 90% reduction in disease not only among the two- to four-year-olds, but in all age groups.

This finding, most likely reflecting herd immunity, suggests that catch-up vaccination is not necessary. “National anti-HAV immunization program aimed exclusively at toddlers resulted in abrupt disease reduction of >90%, not only among vaccine recipients, but also among all other age groups, by achieving high-level immunity in 2-4 year-olds, the major transmitters of HAV,” write Ron Dagan, from Ben-Gurion University in Beer-Sheva, Israel, and colleagues.

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