Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Is Safe, Effective for Diagnosis of GI Bleeding

Wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) was found to be safe and effective for examining the small bowel, according to a study presented Tuesday at the American College of Gastroenterology 67th Annual Scientific Meeting.

 In another study, investigators found that the risk of WCE device obstruction in the small bowel was small. In a third study, a nurse trained in endoscopic readings was found to have 92% accuracy in detecting lesions in WCE videos compared with that of a gastroenterologist.

 In the first study, investigators from the University of Miami School of Medicine/Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami, Florida, found that WCE was a safer and more effective method for examining the small bowel compared with push enteroscopy when visualizing and diagnosing patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding.

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