Evidence Consistent For Hormone Replacement Therapy Risks Against Benefits

Evidence is now consistent that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for postmenopausal women has significant risks which need to be balanced against the benefits.

 Dr Valerie Beral and colleagues at Cancer Research UK’s Epidemiology Unit, Oxford University, Oxford, England declare: “Overall, HRT users had a significantly increased incidence of breast cancer, stroke, and pulmonary embolism; a significantly reduced incidence of colorectal cancer and fractured neck of femur; but no significant change in endometrial cancer or coronary heart disease.

 There was no significant variation across the trials in the results for any condition.” The findings were obtained from an up to date analysis of existing data about the effects of HRT on seven life-threatening conditions. It was largely based on four randomised trials, including the recent report by the American Women’s Health Initiative (WHI). Three trials evaluated a combined oestrogen/progestagen regimen, and the fourth looked at oestrogen alone.

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