Excellent Prognosis For Functional Dyspepsia Regardless Of Helicobacter Pylori Infection

Helicobacter pylori infection appears to have little effect on the generally excellent prognosis for long-term functional dyspepsia.

The majority of patients with upper abdominal complaints have functional dyspepsia, resulting in substantial healthcare costs for associated medicine and investigations. Effects of H pylori infection on functional dyspepsia outcomes are uncertain.

 Finnish investigators have now evaluated H pylori infection in a study of dyspepsia patients. Two hundred and one functional dyspepsia patients were enrolled in a long-term study. Of these patients 118 were H pylori-positive and 83 were H pylori-negative.

All of the patients were thoroughly evaluated at baseline and their medical history was reviewed after six to seven years. Patients completed a dyspepsia questionnaire and underwent voluntary gastroscopy at the end of the follow-up period.

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