Miscarriage Risk Significantly Boosted By Aortoiliac Disease

Aortoiliac disease has been identified for the first time as a risk factor for pregnancy loss in young women.

 Risk of miscarriage is increased three-fold in women with this disease versus their healthy peers, reports a study from the University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, and the Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands.

 In fact, pregnancy loss could be the first sign of insufficient aortic circulation in these patients, suggest Dr. Maurice van den Bosch and colleagues. This case-control study was prompted by an observation — during clinical evaluation of young women with peripheral arterial occlusive disease — of a high prevalence of pregnancy loss in women with segmental stenosis confined to the aortoiliac segment.

This raised the question of whether a higher miscarriage rate is the result of high expression of vascular and obstetrical risk factors in these patients or if it is related to localisation of disease.


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