Menopause And Aging Act Differently On Women’s Bodies

Menopause and the aging process are separate but equally assertive partners in shifting the physical shapes of women as they age.

 While decreases in women’s lean mass and bone mineral density (BMD) tend to be menopause related, the shift to upper body fat distribution and overall adiposity are more age related, a study in Japan has found. Indeed, in terms of the impact of menopause, loss of lean tissue and of bone tissue are similar, suggest Dr. Tsutomu Douchi and colleagues from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima.

 These authors sought to explore the relative contributions of aging and menopause to the changes in women’s lean and fat mass in segmental regions. Study participants were 365 pre- and 201 post-menopausal Japanese women between 20 years and 70 years of age. All provided information on their age, height, weight, body mass index (BMI), age at menopause, years since menopause and menopausal status.


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